Family Law

What Options Are Available to Me If I Am Being Charged With Domestic Violence?

Domestic violence is a serious problem that impacts many lives each and every day. If you or someone you know is a victim of domestic violence it is important to seek help. When people, especially children, are the victims of domestic abuse they can experience long-term consequences and even mental health issues. This is why it is so important to make sure you have a St. Louis domestic violence attorney when you think there is a chance you may be a victim. It may not just be your problem but this type of attorney will help you to get the justice you deserve.

Domestic Violence Attorney


Under Missouri law, domestic violence charges are only those committed against the persons described in the statutes. In order to find out if you are a victim of a domestic violence crime in St. Louis you will need to consult with a qualified attorney who is familiar with the laws of the state. Not only must you understand the details of the law in the state you live in, but you will also need to hire the right St. Louis domestic violence attorney who has experience defending those accused of these crimes.


Many times the only charges a person is faced with are simple misdemeanor offenses. These include assault, battery, disorderly conduct, interfering with a spouse’s visitation, and several other lesser charges. Unfortunately, under certain circumstances these charges can become very serious because they can include very harsh penalties if they are tried and convicted. Even in cases where no physical injury occurs the offender can still be charged with a St. Louis domestic violence charge. This is because some states have a “aggravated battery” definition which allows them to apply extremely harsh penalties to those accused of this offense.


If you feel that you were arrested for this offense it is important to contact a St. Louis criminal defense attorney as soon as possible. Hiring an attorney on a contingency fee basis means that he or she will not charge any fees unless your case is successful, which is rare. A good St. Louis domestic violence attorney will not work for a retainer; they will usually request that you pay them a portion of the fees after the case is settled in order to cover their expenses. This ensures that they receive their share of the settlement without having to worry about losing anything if you do not win your case. The best possible results are obtained when you hire the best attorney you can afford, regardless of how much money you may have to pay out or what type of charges you may face.


You can find a qualified St. Louis domestic violence attorney by looking in the phone book, searching online, or by contacting your local law firm. If you choose to use a law firm for legal assistance, make sure that they are reputable and established law firms that have a history of providing outstanding legal representation for individuals like you. Ask whether or not they have ever handled this type of case, and whether or not they would be able to give you specific examples of cases in which they have handled this type of legal action. Ask them for specific details, and ask them to give you references. You should also ask them for specific details about the fees they will charge, and whether they will be willing to handle this type of case on a contingency basis, so that you don’t end up paying any legal fees out of pocket. Check out their website at
to learn more about domestic violence legal assistance.


There are many reasons to feel comfortable contacting your St. Louis domestic abuse attorney if you think that you have been accused of or believe that you have been charged with domestic abuse. You may not know what your options are, and it is possible that you will be faced with a number of legal actions, some of which you may not understand. Many attorneys will offer free consultation to potential clients, and you may even be able to meet with them before making up your mind. If you are charged with a domestic abuse crime, it is essential that you take immediate legal action and seek an attorney as soon as possible. Your safety and your family’s safety are worth fighting for, and any time spent looking for an attorney to help you represents a decision you will never regret.